Our Retcons:
I. The Draenei
During the Warcraft series, the Draenei were described as a shamanistic, primitive race, native dwellers of Draenor, that were slaughtered by the orcs, while having the looks of those we now know as Broken, or Lost Ones. This was retconned during TBC, linking the race to the Eredar, and describing the Warcraft III Draenei as fel mutants.
This change will not take place here, and in consequence, the Draenei as we know them will cease to exist, never having landed in Kalimdor or using science-fiction technology. However, their close relatives, the red-skinned demonic Eredar will continue to serve The Burning Legion.
The Broken will be the race available to players. They managed to keep some of their sanity and culture after the destruction of Outland, partially migrating to Azeroth. They can still communicate effectively, learn other languages, and use shamanism and expertise to fight their enemies.
II. Worgen backstory
Retail has built the Worgen story on the wolf ancient Goldrinn, and the Scythe of Elune. However, this is not the case here. In our timeline, the only information we have regarding these creatures can be found in The Book of Ur, linking the Worgen to an alien, sinister world, their origin shrouded in mystery.
The classic ferocious Worgen will be the race available to players, as depicted below, continuing on the story of Pyrewood Village and its cursed denizens.
III. The Winterax Ice Troll Tribe
Vanilla depicted the Winterax Troll tribe as living in the Alterac Valley, with WotLK having them migrate to Northrend. In our timeline, the Winterax Trolls will not be migrating and will continue to live in the Alterac Mountains.
They will be available to players through the Ice Troll race.
IV. Mag'Har Orcs
Post-Vanilla depicts all of the Mag'Har orcs as living in Nagrand, none having passed the Dark Portal. This will not be the case here, as many uncorrupted orcs will also be present on Azeroth, being part of various clans, especially the Frostwolves.
They will be available to players as a skin option for the orc race.