New Locations - AAW
New Locations

Explore an expanded world

From the ports of the South Seas, to the depths of Undermine. Abandoned Fortresses, deserted islands and haunted places...
We have them all! We are striving hard to bring you new zones, that are mentioned in our sources but not present in this
version of the game, while trying to keep the original world untouched.           

Kezan                                                                                Dun Thandol   

The Undermine                                                                 Angerfang Redoubt  

Gaval Moch                                                                       The Foxton Farmstead        

The Ruined Tower                                                              Port of Strom

Vile Fin Hold                                                                      Redgill Swamps  

Deathknell Rear Guard                                                      Ironforge Airfield 

Kezan - The Surface

Carefully crafted based on the RPG depiction, our Kezan will take you into a tropical paradise full of mystery and greed.

Kezan - The Undermine

A place of legend, the metropolis of Undermine is the home of all goblin cartels and organizations.


Silverpine Forest - Gaval Moch

Mentioned in the RPGs, the ruined Fortress of Gaval Moch has made its way into the game.

Silverpine Forest - The Ruined Tower

Apothecary Putress has made this tower his main base of operations against the humans of Silverpine.

Tirisfal Glades - Vile Fin Hold

What is Gunther Arcanus' plan with these murlocs?

Tirisfal Glades - Deathknell Rear Guard

The Forsaken have overtaken this abandoned farm.

Hillsbrad Foothills - The Foxton Farmstead

Formerly home to Taretha Foxton and her family.

Arathi Highlands - Port of Strom

The ruined port of Stromgarde City.

Arathi Highlands - Redgill Swamps

These murloc-infested swamps north of Thandol Span will test your resilience.

Wetlands - Dun Thandol

Something bad has been happening at the old ruins of Dun Thandol, what could it possibly be?

Wetlands - Angerfang Redoubt

An Dragonmaw Fortress. Will this clan rekindle their brotherhood with the Horde?

Dun Morogh - Ironforge Airfield

The Dwarves and Gnomes of Dun Morogh believe they can fly... but can they?

Western Plaguelands - Mardenholde Keep

As depicted in Warcraft III, standing watch over the town of Hearthglen.